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Achieve Anything You Want In Life And Business

I Dare You to Win The Debate In Your Own Head and Achieve Anything You Want In Life And Business.

Hello, I’m Blaise Brosnan, Owner and Managing Director of Management Resource Institute, Business Advisor and a Three Times Published Author.

My work (and this site) is devoted to helping you, as an entrepreneur,  find your success in business and life. My programs and books are a practical road map designed to help you achieve your highest vision for yourself and your business.

What Would You Do To Achieve Anything You Want In Life?

I strongly believe that it is what we choose to do with life’s challenges and opportunities that will ultimately count most towards what we will achieve in life and business.   Each of my books – You Are The Limiting Factor, Jack and I Dare You are dedicated to passing on the lessons I have learned over 30 years in business, the inspiration I have benefited from along the way and the  strategies and tactics that worked and those that didn’t.

I have worked with thousands of business owners at all levels of business and industry across Europe, the USA and Russia and have helped those business owners to crystallize their business vision and reach their highest potential.


Now it’s your turn.

Give yourself (or someone you love) the gift of these books and begin your journey towards fulfilling your highest potential.

It is my true hope that they bring you great success and insight and help you to soar to your highest potential.